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Elias Torres
Elias Torres


ONCE when St. Francis and Friar Elias were sojourning in a Place together, it was revealed of God to St. Francis, that Friar Elias was damned, and would apostatise from the Order and finally die out of the Order. For which cause St. Francis conceived so great a distaste for Friar Elias that he never spake nor conversed with him; and, if it came to pass at any time that Friar Elias came towards him, he turned aside and went by another way so as not to meet him; whereby Friar Elias began to perceive and to understand that St. Francis was displeased with him. Wherefore, desiring to know the reason thereof, he one day drew nigh unto St. Francis to speak with him, and, when St. Francis avoided him, detained him by force but courteously, humbly beseeching him that he would be pleased to tell him the reason why he thus avoided


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his company and would not speak with him. And St. Francis answered him: "The reason is this: that it hath been revealed to me of God that thou, through thy sins, wilt apostatise from the Order and wilt die out of the Order, and also God hath revealed unto me that thou art damned". Now when he had heard this, Friar Elias spake thus: "My reverend father, I beseech thee for love of Jesus Christ that for this thou avoid me not, neither drive me away from thee; but like a good shepherd, after the example of Christ, seek and save the sheep which must perish if thou help it not; and pray God for me that, if it be possible, He may revoke the sentence of my damnation; for it is written that God will change His sentence if the sinner amend his fault: and so great faith have I in thy prayers that, if I were in the midst of hell and thou shouldst pray unto God for me, I should feel some relief. Wherefore again do I beseech thee that thou recommend me, a sinner, to the God who came to save sinners, that He may receive me to His mercy." And this Friar Elias said with great devotion and with many tears. Thereupon St. Francis, as a pitiful father, promised him to pray God for him; and he did so. And, praying God most devoutly for him, he knew by revelation, that his prayer was heard by God, touching the revocation of the sentence of damnation against Friar Elias, and that his soul would not be finally damned; but that he would certainly leave the Order and die out of the Order. And so it came to pass; because, when Frederick, King of Sicily, rebelled against the Church and was excommunicated by the Pope (he and all who gave him aid or counsel), the said Friar Elias, who was reputed one of the wisest men in all the world, at the request of the said King Frederick, adhered unto him, and became a rebel

ּׁ shûb 1) to return, turn back 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to turn back, return 1a1a) to turn back 1a1b) to return, come or go back 1a1c) to return unto, go back, come back 1a1d) of dying 1a1e) of human relations (figuratively) 1a1f) of spiritual relations (figuratively) 1a1f1) to turn back (from God), apostatise 1a1f2) to turn away (of God) 1a1f3) to turn back (to God), repent 1a1f4) turn back (from evil) 1a1g) of inanimate things 1a1h) in repetition 1b) (Polel) 1b1) to bring back 1b2) to restore, refresh, repair (figuratively) 1b3) to lead away (enticingly) 1b4) to show turning, apostatise 1c) (Pual) restored (participle) 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to return, bring back 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment 1d2) to bring back, refresh, restore 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer 1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense) 1d5) to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse 1d6) to turn away (face), turn toward 1d7) to turn against 1d8) to bring back to mind 1d9) to show a turning away 1d10) to reverse, revoke 1e) (Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back 1f) (Pulal) brought back Part of Speech: verbRelation: a primitive root

And further, the rotten-hearted (the most of men) bad enough of themselves, infecting (as I may say) the common air where they professed, and now putrifie, causing some Saints (none being yet perfect) to be touched with a tincture of the common Contagion, some specks of Itch, and petty spots appearing, as Symptomes of their stain also (so far) with the general Infection, those rotten-hearted men take incouragement thence to loath all the sincere, and their wayes; but pronounce to themselves their own licentious Liberty, & base backsliding, a pious priviledge, a spirituality, a perfection. Thus as Luthers Sw [...]ne (of which he speaks to this our purpose) These impious Revolters joyfully grunt, gladly to nuzzle in Excrements, but contemptibly trample Gold and Jewels, and pleasingly wallow in the Mire, because some godly men [Page 14]by force of temptation a little trod in the dirt, but got out again. These Comparers of themselves with the worser things of the best men to be worst themselves, never take notice of the common hour of temptation, brought on by themselves; nor take any true account of the just circumstances of beleivers failings, that if Solomon be carried forth to make experiment of the vanity of wine, yet still he acquainted his heart with wisdom. Nor do they look after the Saints, many, yea, thousands of repentings for one sin. David for his, pens many penitential Psalms: how often by him recited who can tell? We are not destitute of Precedents to confirm this, even down to these times; wherein the common crowd of Professors of Religion fall away to be detestors of Religion. And because they see some weaknesses in some single Saints that adhere to Ordinances; and that no way either of Baptisers, Presbyters, or Congregations, is perfect, therefore they adore their own New-nothing, or their worse then nothing in Religion, to be a great religious something. For to a many, a freedome of their spirits to sin, is by them cried up for a sanctity. So long since as Constantine the great we have a draught, and platforme of the manner, means, and measure of Apostasie and Antichristianisme, before asserted. He putting a period to the ten Persecutions, about the year after Christ, 313. thence forward for his time, giving liberty, peace, promotions, and donations to the Churches, how odiously anon after, brake out and sprang up Papal pride, Arrian Antichristianisme, and the thousand headed Hydra of Heresie; too much to be counted, name and thing, in one hour, as pious and learned Epiphanius about 50 years after, and S. Austin about 30 years after him have declared. When a dark cloud of War began again to overshadow the Earth; fulness of troubles in many places; God raising Carolus Magnus (accounted to have been a wonderfull religions PrinceCarolus Magnus fuit admodum religiosus princeps. Epit. Hist. Fccles. Magdeburg. Ad annum 383. c [...]. 3.) about the year 760 after Christ, as a mighty Warrier, and succesfull Destroyer of the open Enemies of Religion, and withall exceeding indulgent and beneficial to the Churches (which then were many in many CountriesIbid. pag. 1. Epit. Histor. Hist. Eccl. Magd. ad ann. 788, 789, 791, &c.) how abominably after a while did thousands apostatise, Pontifical pride begins more to swell, and Heresie, and Superstation more to fret and spread like a Gangrene and Leprosie. Multi jam errorres, &c. many Errors had now crept into the Church of Christ. The Hunnes revolted from Christian Religion to Ethnicisme. Tum religio christiana, &c. Christian Religion then was much contaminated with many Superstitions; with infinite more in the next Century, and downwards. These doubtless might be part of the Apostles meaning in our Text, and in his Explanation, [Page 15]1 Tim. 4.1. &c. numbering the kindes of Apostasies, &c. to be in the later Times, (mark the Phrase according to the Greek [...].. But these are not all our Apostles sense and intent. These afore named in the said Times are but beginnings, and Landskips, and petty Maps to that Ocean, and world of wickedness that was to follow in future. For surely, when our Apostle, & the Apostle Peter do afterwards, by the same Spirit, speak in a higher Key, 2 Tim. 3.1. &c. saying, In the last Dayes. [...]. And in 2 Pet. 3.3. in a yet higher Key, saying, In the last of Dayes: [...] and do immediately subjoyn these Prophesies of worser Impieties near to the Appearance of Christ, (2 2 Tim. 4.1. & 2 Pet. 2.1. compared with 2 Pet. 3.10.) they must needs intend to signifie to us a further Apostasie of Professors, and Revelation of Antichrist; viz. An ( [...], as 'tis in the Text) eminent, a the or that same Apostasie, and Revelation of Antichrist, of the sin of the perdition, some general and grand defection. And so doth S. John in the Revelation carry on the succession & succretion, the length and latitude of that defection: for in the 13. Chapter. The Beast hath power to act two and forty moneths, i.e. 12. hundred & 60. Dayes, i. e. Years, blaspheming God, and adored of men, more or less. This John prophesied about an hundred years after Christ: so that this (if we could say no more) carries the Pedigrecc to 1360. years after Christ. But we can out of Scripture say more to this. Antichristianisme in Pauls time was but in a Mystery. The Hinderer [...]: alii, [...]. (the Roman Emperour sitting in the Throne) lying in the way, and keeping under the Revelation of Antichist (as 'tis in the Context); Antichrist had not yet his [...], &c. power given to him to make war those 42. moneths (mentioned Rev. 13.5.) You heard before, that till 313, after Christ, the Church was under a sore Persecution by the Heathen Roman Emperours. But after that time Antichrist began to appear in Arrianisme, and Persecution of them that were contrary minded. Then began his power, about 390. years after Christ. And in 410. the Hinderer, the Roman Emperour was taken away, Rome being taken and spoiled by the Gothes, &c. All which accounts (putting 410. to 1260.) are not yet run out. So that Apostasie and Revelation of Antichrist to all effects, fruit and branches are yet in the increment and increase, as our wofull experience at this day can fully attest. And this Saint John doth further mainifest unto us, Rev. 16. v. 10. &c. In the time of the fifth Vial (which is the utmost to which we are come, if we be come) Antichrist hath his Throne So the Greak. (though then to be darkened) and men are very blasphemous and impenitent, notwithstanding the powring forth of that Vial (O that our Eares could not witness [Page 16]such Blasphemies). And beyond this under the sixth Vial are three unclean spirits like Frogs, coming out of the mouth of the Dragon, the Beast, and the false Prophet which are spirits of Devils working of Miracles, and drawing the Kings of the Earth to Battle against the Saints. And lastly, Satan still reigneth, and the great City is undivided, and the Cities of the Nations stand, ana Babylon comes not into rememberance before the Lord, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierce wrath of God, till the seventh Vial be powred out, Revel. 16.17. When this is powred out, then those things are done, (ibidem) and Satan is bound, Rev. 20. Be sure Amorite-Apostates and Antichrists sins must be first ripe and full, afore they receive for their sins their total fall and ruine, which being not yet executed, no doubt but the truth of our Text by costs and turns shall have its progress and augmentation, of further Apostasie and Antichristianity; though here and there, now and then, by parcell they receive shrewd blows afore the fatal one comes. For if ye mark the Mystery of Gods dispensations, and his Methode between his promises of good, and Prognostications of evil; the prognostick is progressive to such a period; the promise likewise being successive, overtakes it, and knocks it down; it riseth up again, and gets more head; the promise again makes after it, reacheth it, and gives it another blow and wound. And thus they keep turns, till Good hath the full Victory of Evil unto its full perdition at Christs appearance, as you have heard and seen all along this Discourse. 041b061a72


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